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Keep the Blaze Alive Coaching Squad

Here’s a simple question…

“If you cloned yourself today, could you kick your clone’s ass tomorrow?”

If you can’t answer “yes” to this question, then your life and future are at risk, and that is NOT where you want to be during times like these.

  • You want to be fired up.
  • You want to be focused.
  • You want to be stronger.
  • You want to be smarter.
  • You want to be resourceful.
  • You want to be better than you!

  • I want to help you get there, so that’s why I created the Keep The Blaze Alive Coaching Squad!

    What Is The Squad?

    The Squad is a video-based coaching community where you’ll have access to premium content that I don’t share on YouTube or social media including Sentinel instruction, Basic Dude Stuff, Combat Strength Training, motivation, and more.

    What Is The Purpose Of The Squad?

    The purpose is to turn you into an absolute badass, so you can maximize every area of your life and achieve all of your goals! I want to see you crushing it in health, finances, relationships, skills, career, and more.

    How Is The Squad Different Than Your Social Media?

    My social media channels only feature short clips (most less than a minute in length), but in the Squad I will go in-depth on the “how-to” of everything I teach. Plus, I’ll be producing content I never share on social media, so this will be exclusive.

    • Also, in the Squad, I do weekly, 2-hour livestreams where you can ask questions. These are badass.
    • At the Tier 1 level, I also do two, 2-hour Zoom calls per month where we get to talk face-to-face.
    • At Tier 1 and Tier 2 levels, there are also two, 2-hour business, marketing, and career Zoom calls.

    Will You Be Present In This Group?

    Hell yes, I will! That’s the point! This is not just a video vault. It’s a community… it’s a squadron… and I’m the squadron leader!

    Of course, this is not about wiping noses, rubbing backs, or changing diapers either. It’s about more personal interaction between me and those who are carrying their weight.

    Who Else Is In The Squad?

    The only other people in the Squad are people just like you. Motivated people who are trying to improve their lives. No negativity. No naysayers. No haters. Just a positive community of badasses accountable to each other in order to create the best version of themselves. You’ll be making some new friends—I guarantee it.

    Anything Else I Should Know About The Squad?

    Yes! First of all, I’ll be working with my friend, motivator, and fellow coach, C. J. Ortiz (The Metal Motivator), who co-hosts our popular podcast, “The University of Badassery.” You’re going to love this dude!

    Second, I’ve set up the Squad for 3 different levels of access, so you can choose your level of commitment. Click here to choose your level.

    Third, there is no long-term contract for the Squad. You can sign up today, and you can quit tomorrow. In other words, I refuse to manipulate you into commitment…

    Because if there’s one thing I learned from years in special forces it’s that you have to want it, you have to own it, and you have to police yourself daily.

    So, if you’re ready for your next level, then join me in the Keep The Blaze Alive Coaching Squad. Click here to sign up!