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Should You Go Into Special Ops?

A common question I receive is how to begin a career in special operations or law enforcement, whether in the police or military. My responses may vary, but the main message is always to take action. Don’t just think about it—start immediately to avoid regrets.

Many people never move past the thinking stage, but in my experience, successful individuals are proactive. Seek the necessary resources if you’re interested in a specific training or selection process.

I always remind people that the path to success in these fields is full of challenges and obstacles. There are no shortcuts, and you may face setbacks that require you to start over. However, the journey is worth it.

When I hear someone in special forces considering going to selection, I tell them to go for it. There’s nothing to lose; if you don’t try, you’ll lose out on potential opportunities.

Remember that attrition rates are high in these competitive environments, but don’t let that deter you. You don’t want to look back years later with a “shoulda, woulda, coulda” mindset. Plus, the training courses and experiences are valuable in and of themselves. Embrace the challenges and reap the rewards.

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“The Squad” is my online coaching group, and it’s designed to help you level up and create the best version of your life, work, family, health, and more. In the Squad, I do weekly 2-hour livestreams where I answer questions and tell stories, and then for my upper level members, I do two Zoom calls a month (2 hours) where we meet face-to-face. The Squad also gets first access to all my new videos, my course schedule, my products, and more. Learn more about The Squad at